A copy of the Quran traditionally exchanged as gifts in Malay-Muslim weddings. Jakim today launched a new module to tackle the high divorce rate among Muslims in the country. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, March 3, 2016.The Malaysia Islamic Development (Jakim) today launched the Islamic Post-Marriage Module, a model of reference towards strengthening the family institution and reducing divorce rates among Muslims.
Launched by Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, the module was drawn up based on five main objectives, including helping couples overcome their marital conflict and to have strong religious faith.
Drawn up by 30 experts from various knowledge disciplines, the module is divided into four marital phases, namely the Honeymoon Phase involving marriage that is less than five years old, One Heart, One Soul Phase (six to 10 years), Glorious Love Phase (11 to 20 years) and Heavenly Love Phase (21 years and above).
Asyraf told reporters that the launching of the first such module in the world was very important and timely, in line with the government's effort to tackle various issues involving the family institution, specifically divorce cases.
"I am excited about this and fully support the effort by Jakim and the state religious departments in developing this module which covers the needs of the various phases of marriage, as reference in tackling issues that cause marital break-ups," he said.
According to the records, he said, between 2012 and 2014, 92,678 couples registered their divorce, with some couples having been married for less than five years, and this situation should not be viewed lightly.
Asyraf said communication and financial problems, not understanding each other's role, emotional disturbance and weak religious education were among the reasons for divorce and all these were taken into account in drawing up the module.
"The pre-marital course (required of couples getting married to attend) is not enough in educating couples on the realities of married life, which come after the wedding.
"That is why I feel this initiative of coming up with the module is important and timely," he added. – Bernama, March 3, 2016.
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