Another J.K. Rowling novel headed to BBC
After ‘A Casual Vacancy’, J.K. Rowling will continue her collaboration with the BBC to adapt her novel ‘The Cuckoo's Calling’. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, December 12, 2014.The BBC will air a drama series adapted from “The Cuckoo's Calling”, a novel published in 2013 under J.K. Rowling's pen name Robert Galbraith. The book, the first in a new series, follows Cormoran Strike, private eye and war veteran.
Strike helps John Bristow to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of his sister Lula Landry, a supermodel who was found dead at the foot of her apartment building after a fall from the third story. The police investigation concluded that the death was a suicide, but Lula's brother is convinced she was murdered. Cormoran Strike steps in to help him uncover the truth.
Published in England in April 2013, "The Cuckoo's Calling" is the first title in a new book series written by J.K. Rowling, the author known worldwide as the creator of Harry Potter. Published in October, the second book about private eye Cormoran Strike is titled "The Silkworm" and may also be adapted by the BBC.
For the time being, the British network and J.K. Rowling – who is involved with the project – are focusing on the creative adaptation process and have yet to determine the number and length of episodes.
BBC One and J.K. Rowling previously collaborated to adapt “The Casual Vacancy”, the British author's first novel post-“Harry Potter”. The miniseries adaptation will air in the UK in February and on HBO in the US shortly thereafter. – AFP/Relaxnews, December 12, 2014.
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