‘Naruto’ manga to bow out in November
The final instalment in the adventures of Naruto will be published on November 10. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, October 10, 2014.The Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun announced that the "Naruto" manga series will end on November 10.
Introduced in Japan in the late 1990s, this young adult manga first came to English-language readers in 2002 in the first issue of US comic Shonen Jump. The popular series depicts the adventures of Naruto, a young ninja.
The original "Naruto" manga has been adapted into multiple animes, video games and films, including “The Last: Naruto the Movie”, which is due to open in Japanese theatres in December.
The fan website reports that the adventures of the iconic ninja will wrap up in issue number 50 of Weekly Shonen Jump. – AFP/Relaxnews, October 10, 2014.
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