Audi scoops five ‘Auto Trophy’ awards
Audi usually performs well at the awards ceremony by German motoring magazine Auto Zeidung, but this is the first time that voting is opened to car fans globally. – AFP Relaxnews pic, November 26, 2015.Car fans around the world voted four of Audi's cars the best in class and the company's automotive design the best in the world.
Collecting one of the five awards at Tuesday's ceremony, Rupert Stadler, chairman of the board of management of Audi AG, said: "We are truly delighted at the readers' decision, which confirms we are offering highly attractive automobiles with top design in every segment.
"On that basis, we can also be confident about the continuing success of the Audi model initiative."
Among its awards, voted on by readers of all car-related publications and web portals owned by the Bauer Media Group, Audi scooped best compact car, best full-size SUV and best supercar for its R8, as well as the top design accolade.
Hosted by German motoring magazine, Auto Zeitung, Audi usually performs well at the awards ceremony, thanks to home advantage.
However, what made this year's wins impressive was that it was the first time in the Auto Trophy's 28-year history that voting was opened up to car fans globally. – AFP Relaxnews, November 26, 2015.
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