Resale value of Volkswagen diesel cars in UK drops
A Volkswagen TDI diesel engine at a second-hand car parts in Jelah, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The value of used Volkswagen diesel cars sold in Britain trails the wider market in September, in the first data to show the impact of an emissions scandal. – Reuters pic, September 30, 2015.The value of used Volkswagen diesel cars sold in Britain trailed the wider market in September, a car valuation tracking guide said today, in the first data to show the impact of an emissions scandal.
Data by Glass's said VW sales values fell by 0.2% against a 2.8% rise in the wider market in a survey carried out between September 1 and September 25.
"We are aware that a number of key trade buyers are viewing Volkswagen conservatively for the time being, although it is fair to say that there are also others who are less concerned and are essentially standing by the brand and its products," Rupert Pontin, head of valuations, said. – Reuters, September 30, 2015.
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