Volkswagen to go electric for new flagship sedan
The new Phaeton by Volkswagen will also carry batteries instead of a 12-cylinder engine. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, October 14, 2015.The next luxury sedan to carry the Phaeton badge will also be carrying batteries rather than a 12-cylinder engine.
As part of long-term cost-cutting following the company's well-publicised problems with getting its diesel cars to meet emissions standards, there were fears that cars like the Phaeton and maybe even the Bugatti would be mothballed, or worse still, axed altogether.
However, on Tuesday Volkswagen confirmed that a flagship sedan that puts the spotlight on the company's technological capabilities, is still going to go ahead but with one notable change. It is going to get a long-range electric engine plus the latest driver assistance technologies.
The brand's CEO Herbert Diess said of the decision: "The Volkswagen brand is repositioning itself for the future. We are becoming more efficient, we are giving our product range and our core technologies a new focus, and we are creating room for forward-looking technologies by speeding up the efficiency programme." – AFP/Relaxnews, October 14, 2015.
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