9 things Saudi women still can’t do
Saudi Arabian women will vote for the first time in elections today. – Reuters pic, December 12, 2015.Saudi women vote today for the first time in elections but still face a host of other restrictions, among the tightest in the world.
Under Saudi policies and practices, women cannot:
Drive. Saudi Arabia is the world's only country banning women from getting behind the wheel.
Travel, without the consent of a male family member known as a guardian
Marry, without the consent of a guardian
Work, without the consent of a guardian
Appear in public without covering herself in a black abaya robe from head to toe
Receive inheritance at the same amount as a man
Work in certain jobs
Mingle with unrelated men in public places such as restaurants
Divorce as easily as a man
Saudi women can:
Vote in municipal elections, the kingdom's only polls for public officials
Sit on the Shura Council, an appointed body which advises cabinet
Hold the most senior corporate executive posts
Work in government administration and an expanding number of private sector areas, including as lawyers
Be forced to marry at a young age, as there is no legally defined minimum age. – AFP, December 12, 2015.
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