Study shows low-sugar diet makes food taste sweeter
A low-sugar diet makes food taste sweeter, a new study shows. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, November 28, 2015.A new study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that adults who stick to a low-sugar diet find that food tastes sweeter.
The study looked at adults who consumed two or more sugary drinks per day and divided them into two groups.
The "control" group was allowed to maintain their regular intake of sugar, while the "reduced-sugar" group replaced 40% of their calories from sugar with a combination of complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
All participants had to consume one sweet drink or pudding each month for three months.
Results showed that for those who had reduced their sugar intake, food tasted much sweeter than for those who stuck to their original sugar intake.
However, those on the low-sugar diet quickly went back to their previous levels of sugar consumption after the study terminated.
Still, the results show the importance of moving towards a low-sugar diet and could influence public health officials' efforts to reduce the consumption of added sugar.
The study was funded by PepsiCo, along with the Monell Chemical Senses Center. – AFP/Relaxnews, November 28, 2015.
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