Top 3 major causes of stress
Financial concerns are a major source of stress in several regions. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, November 26, 2015.Money, self-pressure and lack of sleep are the top three major causes of stress across the world, it has been revealed.
According to a 22-country survey from GfK, money is the main source of stress for 29% of people.
Putting pressure on oneself is the second-biggest cause of stress, with 27% of respondents citing this as their main worry.
Finally, sleep deprivation is a source of stress for 23%.
The online study was conducted this summer among over 27,000 consumers, in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK and US.
The results revealed that Japan and Germany suffer the least from major stress causes, while Latin American countries stand out for "threat of crime" appearing in their top five major causes of stress.
France is the only country where "children" as a source of stress appears in the top five. – AFP/Relaxnews, November 26, 2015.
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