KitKat to use only sustainably sourced cocoa come 2016
Global chocolate brand KitKat will use only sustainability-sourced cocoa in all of its products starting in the first quarter of 2016. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, September 1, 2015.Global chocolate brand KitKat has announced a pledge to use exclusively sustainability-sourced cocoa in all of its products starting in the first quarter of 2016.
The brand had already been using sustainably sourced cocoa in some of its markets, but the new announcement means it will extend this practice worldwide, including in the US.
The move is part of a plan by Nestlé to source 150,000 tonnes of sustainably produced cocoa by 2017.
Hershey produces the KitKat chocolate bars in the US, and the KitKat news follows an April announcement in which Hershey said it would source enough sustainably produced cocoa to manufacture not just KitKat bars but also Hershey Kisses and chocolate bars by 2016, with Reese's products to follow in 2017. – AFP/Relaxnews, September 1, 2015.
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