Michelin to launch restaurant guide for Seoul
The Michelin Guide Seoul 2017 will be made available in English and Korean. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, March 10, 2016.Michelin has announced plans to launch its first restaurant guide for Seoul, South Korea, as part of its ongoing expansion into Asia.
To be released in the second half of this year, the 27th addition to Michelin's restaurant guide collection will highlight the best dining destinations in the South Korean capital, which international director Michael Ellis described as world-class.
"The city is well-known for a wonderfully eclectic dining scene that range from popular Seoul traditional fare to gourmet restaurants. Seoul's dining scene has evolved into a world-class culinary destination, and our inspectors are impatient to start wandering the streets of the city and discovering the high quality of its culinary scene," he said in a statement.
The guide will be made available in English and Korean.
Back in November, editors announced plans to publish a red guide for Singapore, which likewise boasts a dynamic dining scene that has attracted culinary heavyweights such as Daniel Boulud, Gordon Ramsay, Joel Robuchon and Jamie Oliver over the last few years. – AFP/Relaxnews, March 10, 2016.
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