The world’s 10 best restaurants: La Liste
The world's 10 best restaurants, La Liste, was released on Saturday. – AFP Relaxnews pic, December 14, 2015.These are the world's top 10 restaurants, according to La Liste, the new French classification of "exceptional restaurants" compiled from hundreds of guide books and online review sites.
1. Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville, Crissier, Switzerland
2. Per Se, New York
3. Kyo Aji, Tokyo
4. Guy Savoy, Paris
5. Schloss Schauenstein, Furstenau, Switzerland
6. El Celler de Can Roca, Girona, Spain
7. Kyubei, Tokyo
8. Maison Troisgros, Roanne, France
9. Auberge du Vieux Puits, Fontjoncouse, France
10. Joel Robuchon, Tokyo. – AFP Relaxnews, December 14, 2015.
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