Minister blames rising prices on ‘godless people’
The minister in charge of domestic trade says unethical people who don't believe in God are to blame for high prices of goods. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, March 10, 2016.
People who do not believe in God are raising the prices of goods and services indiscriminately, says the domestic trade, cooperatives and consumerism minister.
Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin was responding to DAP's Kepong MP Tan Seng Giaw in Dewan Rakyat today, on whether he believed God was behind the rising prices of goods.
"YB Kepong asked if the rise of prices of goods is in the hands of God. God has never told anyone to raise or reduce prices.
"It's those who don't believe in God who are always raising prices. Those who believe God will follow ethical ways and not simply increase prices," said Hamzah.
Hamzah later told reporters when met at the Parliament lobby that he was not amused by Tan's question.
He said the Quran prohibited profiteering, and called for traders to remain ethical in setting their prices.
“This is extremely necessary so that there is a balance between the domestic economy and consumerism.
“Don't let consumers feel cheated. If traders hike up their costs to the point that consumers no longer frequent them, it is they who will suffer,” said Hamzah.
In 2013, Umno Youth executive council member Fathul Bari Mat Jahya urged consumers to accept rising living costs as a test from God.
He said prices of goods were Allah's will and advised Muslims against blaming “traders, the government or voters”. – March 10, 2016.
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