Fox releases 21-minute ‘X-Files’ promo video
'The X-Files' six-episode revival series is set to air on January 24. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, December 29, 2015."Re-Opened" is a 21-minute featurette for "The X-Files" revival, published by Fox on December 28.
"The X-Files" six-episode revival series starring original actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully is set to air on January 24.
To garner publicity for the premiere, Fox has released a 21-minute-long video called "Re-Opened", in which fans get a glimpse at each of the new episodes (including a considerable amount of unseen footage), and those unfamiliar with the cult series can familiarise themselves with its history. – AFP/Relaxnews, December 29, 2015.
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