Hasbro to add Rey to ‘Star Wars’ Monopoly after criticism
Hasbro says it will add Rey to its 'Star Wars' Monopoly set. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, January 6, 2016.Hasbro has bowed to consumer pressure and announced plans to add Rey to its "Star Wars" Monopoly game.
The US toy company faced major backlash from fans who noticed that one of the main characters in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" was conspicuously left out of the latest Star Wars Monopoly game set which was released in September.
The outcry led to the Twitter hashtag #WheresRey.
Hasbro defended the move saying it was to avoid spoilers.
But in tweets sent to some of its critics, the company seems to have caved to pressure.
"We love your passion for Rey, and are happy to share that we will be including her in the Monopoly: Star Wars game, available this year." – AFP/Relaxnews, January 6, 2016.
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