Madonna says on Twitter she is ‘devastated’ by Bowie’s death
Madonna has posted an undated photo of herself with the late David Bowie. – Twitter pic, January 11, 2016.US pop megastar Madonna wrote on Twitter today that she was "devastated" by the death of British music legend David Bowie.
"Im Devastated! This great Artist changed my life! First concert i ever saw in Detroit! R.IP (sic)," Madonna wrote on Twitter.
Bowie died after a long battle with cancer, his official Twitter and Facebook accounts said Monday, prompting an outpouring of tributes for the innovative star.
"Talented . Unique. Genius. Game Changer. The Man who Fell to Earth. Your Spirit Lives on Forever! #rebelheart (sic)" Madonna wrote in a second tweet.
The 57-year-old performer then added: "So lucky to have met you!!!! Hot Tramp I love you So! #rebelheart (sic)."
The tweet part-referenced his 1974 song, "Rebel Rebel".
It included an undated photograph of a young Bowie standing next to an even younger Madonna. – AFP, January 11, 2016.
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