Priyanka Chopra lined up for ‘Baywatch’
Priyanka Chopra will be joining Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in the remake of Baywatch. – AFP Relaxnews pic, January 12, 2016.The upcoming "Baywatch" movie could be about to get a new cast member, in the form of "Quantico" star Priyanka Chopra.
The actress could be set to join Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in the remake of the 1990s Californian TV series, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
She would play the story's villain in a narrative that focuses on an elite group of lifeguards who must join forces with a former Olympian to save their bay.
Seth Gordon has been named director of the movie, with Beau Flynn, Ivan Reitman, Seven Bucks Productions, Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz and Gregory Bonann producing. – AFP Relaxnews, January 12, 2016.
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