Speculation continues over The Hulk’s next film
The current Hulk appeared in ‘The Avengers’ and ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’. – Reuters pic, February 24, 2016.Giant green superhero The Hulk could be hitting cinema screens a little earlier than expected, according to an interview answer given by one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe actors.
Speaking to BBC Radio 1, Anthony Mackie disclosed that The Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo may well be involved in May's "Captain America: Civil War."
Mackie, who played winged hero Falcon in 2014's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and 2015's "Ant-Man," talked up the thespian qualities of Marvel's next movie, saying "you get to see Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo and everybody just do really, really good acting."
The only hitch – Ruffalo isn't supposed to be involved in the Marvel movies until "Thor: Ragnarok" in November 2017, as per io9.
Yes, his character of Bruce Banner and roaring muscle monster alter-ego The Hulk had been part of an earlier "Civil War" script, Ruffalo had explained in late 2015, but was then removed, to save The Hulk's emerging storyline for a bigger reveal.
But Mackie's comments have raised questions over Ruffalo's involvement. Could it be that new Spider-Man, Tom Holland, isn't the only actor to receive a key cameo in this third "Captain America" feature? – AFP/Relaxnews, February 24, 2016.
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