Tarantino makes his mark…on Hollywood sidewalk
American director Quentin Tarantino says he has always wanted to put his handprints in the Grauman Chinese Theatre courtyard. – AFP pic, January 6, 2016.Oscar-winning American director Quentin Tarantino made another mark in Hollywood Tuesday, leaving his handprints on the sidewalk outside the legendary Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
Out promoting his latest movie "The Hateful Eight" – which has been nominated for three Golden Globes – Tarantino, 52, said he was delighted by the honour.
"Actually, it's not that I have wanted to do this my whole career, I have wanted to put my hand and footprints in the Grauman Chinese Theatre courtyard way before I ever had a career," he said of the longtime Hollywood tradition at the cinema house, where thousands of stars have cast hand-and footprints in the cement.
"This is something I have wanted to do my entire life," he added.
Tarantino was joined by Austrian actor Christoph Waltz, who won Oscars for "Inglourious Basterds" in 2010 and "Django Unchained" in 2013 working with Tarantino.
"Quentin baffles, he exhilarates, he perplexes, he surprises, but most of all he entertains us," Waltz said.
"We want more and more of these imprints and always in 24 frames per second."
Just two weeks ago, Tarantino got his star on the better-known Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The filmmaker, who dropped out of high school insisting he could learn more on his own, won Oscars himself for black comedy western "Django Unchained" in 2013 and cult favourite "Pulp Fiction" in 1995.
"The Hateful Eight" is nominated for Golden Globes for supporting actress for Jennifer Jason Leigh, best screenplay and original score for composer Ennio Morricone. – AFP, January 6, 2016.
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