‘World War Z 2’ left without a director
Spanish film director Juan Antonio Bayona has left the project due to time constraints imposed by his movie 'A Monster Calls'. – AFP Relaxnews pic, January 12, 2016.The sequel to Brad Pitt's blockbuster "World War Z" will need a new director, following the departure of Juan Antonio Bayona.
Bayona has left the project due to time constraints imposed by his movie "A Monster Calls", which would make it difficult to ensure a World War Z 2 release date of June 9 2017, Deadline reports.
Paramount, which is releasing the follow-up to the zombie apocalypse movie with Plan B, confirmed the news, saying: "Bayona is no longer able to make World War Z 2 this year, and it is our ambition to do so. He is a wonderful director and we hope to work with him soon." – AFP Relaxnews, January 12, 2016.
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