Apple confirms increase in iCloud music strorage limits
Apple iTunes Match. – AFP Relaxnews pic, December 8, 2015.After several months of promise, Apple has finally confirmed an increase to users' song limits in the iCloud music library.
The limit has now been set to 100,000 tracks as opposed to the previous 25,000.
The update, reported by Macrumors, brings Apple's music storage service more on par with the set limits of competing services such as Google Play Music, which allows for up to 50,000 tracks, and Amazon, which offers 250,000-track storage.
Contrary to Google's music service, Apple requires users to pay either US$24.99 a year for iTunes Match or US$9.99 per month for Apple Music in order to have access to the online cloud storage.
The iCloud Music Library is an online music storage service that works with both iTunes Match and Apple Music. – AFP Relaxnews, December 8, 2015.
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