Apple Maps dethrones its Google rival
Apple Maps are enabled on iOS devices by default and Siri will give directions using Apple's system regardless of whether the Google navigation app is installed on your device. – Reuters pic, December 9, 2015.A report by Cnet, the online technology news and reviews site, indicates that Apple Maps is now more popular than Google Maps on Apple devices.
Created in 2012, Apple's navigation app has regularly fallen prey to blips and problems including misplaced routes and distorted images. The app was so unreliable that Apple CEO Tim Cook issued a public apology. Following considerable improvements to its navigation software and the addition of new features, the Cnet report stated that Apple Maps are now used three times as much as its Google rival on iOS supported platforms.
In addition to a new and improved system, Apple Maps are enabled on iOS devices by default and Siri will give directions using Apple's system regardless of whether or not the Google navigation app is installed on your device.
Google maps remains the leading navigation app thanks to its availability on both Android and iOS. – AFP, December 9, 2015.
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