Apple releases how-to ad for 3D Touch feature on iPhone 6s
For those living far away from an Apple Store, the ad acts largely as a how-to tutorial, with several in-action shots to understand the feature. – AFP pic, October 17, 2015.Apple has unveiled a new ad for its iPhone 6s to teach users about the 3D Touch feature.
For those living far away from an Apple Store, the ad acts largely as a how-to tutorial, with several in-action shots to understand the feature.
The 30-second video shows users how to lightly press on apps or information to open it, while pressing more firmly opens content. Acting similarly to a computer mouse, users first touch down on content then slide their finger up and down to select it.
The feature can be used on everything from Apple apps, like Mail and Maps, as well as third-party apps like Facebook. Users can also view photos while taking new ones. – AFP, October 17, 2015.
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