Facebook Security Checkup app comes to Android
The tool enables users to check and modify their security settings, logout of unused devices, change passwords and enable login alerts. – Reuters pic, December 10, 2015.Facebook has released a security app, available on Android only for the moment, called Security Checkup, designed to keep users' information even more secure.
On December 8, Facebook announced that the safety tool they launched in Security Checkup is now available for Android devices. The tool enables users to check and modify their security settings, logout of unused devices (useful if you remember you left your account open on a public computer, for example), change passwords and enable login alerts.
Melissa Luu-Van, Product Manager at Facebook, explained that "People told us the tool was helpful and made it easy to add extra protections for their Facebook accounts. So, we're rolling it out to our Android app so more people can use it." She also confirmed that an iOS version is on its way. – AFP, December 10, 2015.
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