Facebook tests new retail section
Facebook wants to be a single place for product discovery and distribution. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, October 13, 2015.The world's biggest social network is testing a dedicated shopping feed.
The idea is to make it even easier to connect Facebook's 1 billion+ users with brands and products and to make the online retail more enjoyable and relevant to mobile device users.
"A survey suggested that nearly half of people come to Facebook to actively look for products, with a majority of them discovering new products in News Feed, Pages, and Groups," said Facebook in a Monday blogpost announcing the trial.
As well as pulling products and services from disparate parts of the platform into a single location, the new features currently being tested will include a "buy" button that will enable Facebook users on mobile and desktop to make a purchase without exiting the social network. – AFP/Relaxnews, October 13, 2015.
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