HP to build PCs with privacy screens
HP and 3M are teaming up to create PCs with privacy screens to prevent visual hacking. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, October 15, 2015.One of the world's largest computer companies is teaming up with 3M so that notebook owners won't have to worry about people peering over their shoulder.
For years, 3M has made standalone privacy screens that can be attached to PCs and tablets and HP has made notebook computers. However, until now, the two companies had never considered integrating one into the other.
"With more and more PCs being used in public places, visual hacking – the act of collecting confidential information by looking at someone else's screen – is a paramount security risk in today's business environment," said Alex Cho, vice-president and general manager, Commercial PCs, HP.
The first devices with integrated on-demand privacy screens – ie. the function can be activated and deactivated for those times when co-workers or family need to huddle around the display – are expected to hit the shelves in early 2016. But for those that can't wait, 3M's stick-on screens are readily available. – AFP/Relaxnews, October 15, 2015.
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