Japanese brand Kyocera launches washable phone
Phone owners need no longer worry about getting their smartphone dirty, as they can now use regular soap to clean their Digno Rafre devices. – YouTube screenshot, December 4, 2015.The new Digno Rafre by Kyocera is calling itself the world's first soap-proof phone, according to the Verge.
Phone owners need no longer worry about getting their smartphone dirty, as they can now use regular soap to clean their Digno Rafre devices.
Not only can the phone be washed with soap, it also has a "scratch-healing" finish, a touch screen that apparently functions even when wet, and a Smart Sonic Receiver, which conducts audio through bone, eliminating the need for a speaker.
The Digno Rafre will be launched in Japan on Friday December 4 for ¥57,420 (around RM1,963). – AFP, December 4, 2015.
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