LG to debut world’s first augmented reality vacuum cleaner at CES
The LG HOM-BOT Turbo is able to scan the room for movements and send photos. – AFP Relaxnews pic, December 21, 2015.The HOM-BOT Turbo+ boasts something called “Home-Joy” which, the company claims will make the new device simple and intuitive to use
LG's latest smart vacuum cleaner uses three camera sensors so that it can track the world around it, including the ceiling, to understand exactly where it is, where it has been and where it needs to go.
It can send a live feed of its progress to the owner's smartphone and when it's not on cleaning duty can be deployed as guard dog.
It can scan the room for movements and if anything or anyone appears out of the ordinary, raise the alarm and send photographic evidence.
As for “Home Joy”, that's the name LG has given to the cleaner's user interface. Pull up the live feed image of the room that needs cleaning, and tap on the areas that need to be cleaned and the HOM-BOT Turbo+ will do the rest.
The HOM-BOT Turbo+ will make its debut, alongside a host of other LG vacuum cleaners, at the 2016 International CES, which opens its doors to the press on January 6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. – AFP Relaxnews, December 21, 2015.
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