New LG display can be rolled up like newspaper
Foldable, bendable digital devices may not be far off from the consumer market. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, January 5, 2016.LG is set to unveil the world's first futuristic bendable screen that can be rolled up like a newspaper.
To be introduced at the CES 2016 show in Las Vegas this week, LG Display will show off the 18-inch, rollable OLED display.
Alongside their bendable screen, LG will also showcase a paper-thin, 55-inch double-sided display that can show video images on both sides.
Foldable, bendable digital devices may not be far off from the consumer market, given the amount of development and prototypes coming out of the industry.
Samsung is reportedly working on a foldable phone, while Sharp has also created a free-form display that can be customised to fit different spaces and needs. – AFP/Relaxnews, January 5, 2016.
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