Sony Classical reissues original Star Wars soundtracks
'The Ultimate Vinyl Collection' includes the original 'Star Wars' soundtracks on nine CDs and a bonus CD featuring interviews with John Williams and Harrison Ford. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, January 8, 2016.Sony Classical has made the original soundtracks of Star Wars episodes I-VI available for preorder in newly restored audio collections. The bundles will come in three editions: "The Ultimate Vinyl Collection", "The Ultimate Soundtrack Collection" and "The Ultimate Digital Collection".
All three feature the six original soundtracks.
"The Ultimate Vinyl Collection" will consist of 11 LPs.
"The Ultimate Soundtrack Collection" will include the original soundtracks in mini album jackets on nine CDs plus a bonus CD that has a new interview with Harrison Ford alongside an interview with composer John Williams.
"The Ultimate Digital Collection" will feature the original soundtracks available for the first time as high resolution downloads.
All the soundtracks were composed by the five-time Oscar winning composer John Williams.
The new editions will be available worldwide on January 8. – AFP/Relaxnews, January 8, 2016.
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