Swatch partners with Visa for new ‘pay-by-the-wrist’ watch
Swatch Bellamy – pay with a swipe of the wrist. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, November 30, 2015.Pay with a swipe of the wrist using the upcoming Swatch Bellamy, the result of a collaboration between the watchmaker and Visa.
On Monday, November 30, Swatch announced their collaboration with Visa to produce a "pay-by-the-wrist" watch that can be used for contactless payment globally, anywhere where near-field communications (NFC) Visa payments are accepted.
Swatch reveals that "Swatch Bellamy, in collaboration with Visa, is scheduled to be initially available in early 2016 in the US, Switzerland, and Brazil".
The NFC-equipped Bellamy watch was first introduced in China in October 2015, and is set to roll out in the coming months, at a price of US$91 (RM388). – AFP/Relaxnews, November 30, 2015.
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