Xiaomi reveals new smartphone, speakers and carrier service
Xiaomi's announcement on Twitter of three new launches. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, September 23, 2015.Xiaomi detailed three new launches on Tuesday: the new Mi 4c smartphone, Mi Bluetooth speakers and wireless carrier service Mi Mobile.
The Chinese brand announced on Twitter that it has launched not only the Mi 4c smartphone, but also a new Bluetooth speaker and carrier service.
The Mi 4c phone contains a Snapdragon 808 processor, 5-inch 1080p IPS display, USB Type-C and dual-SIM feature. The speakers offer a microSD card slot, and in-built mic, the latter enabling users to answer calls when the device is connected to a smartphone. For the moment, the smartphone and Bluetooth speaker only retail in China, with no word on whether Xiaomi intends to sell further afield.
Meanwhile, Mi Mobile marks the brand's first foray into the wireless carrier industry. Xiaomi is offering two plans: a pay-as-you-go option and a monthly tariff of 59 yuan (about RM40). Consumers in China will be able to order their SIM cards from Wednesday. – AFP/Relaxnews, September 23, 2015.
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