Jelly-themed bouncy castle for adults opens in London
London's new bouncy castle for adults allows visitors to fully immerse themselves in the game as they take on the Jelly Queen. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, March 4, 2016.A super-sized jelly-themed bouncy castle made for adults has opened in London's Southbank, overlooking the famous Tower Bridge.
The bouncy castle has been created in celebration of the launch of "Candy Crush Jelly Saga", the latest instalment of the "Candy Crush" game.
The bouncy castle is 7m high and 11m wide and appears to be made of blocks of raspberry and lime jelly but is comprised of 740 sq m of fabric.
It allows visitors to fully immerse themselves in the game as they take on the Jelly Queen.
Adults can enjoy connecting with their inner child at the castle until 6pm March 5. – AFP/Relaxnews, March 4, 2016.
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