Singapore’s Changi Airport sees record passengers in 2015
Changi Airport has seen record growth in passenger traffic. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, January 27, 2016.Singapore Changi Airport bounced back from a weak start to the year to handle a record 55.4 million passengers in 2015, a 2.5% rise, helped by new carriers and growth in traffic from Thailand, Vietnam and China.
Passenger movements in December last year were up 3.9% to 5.29 million, the highest monthly traffic for the airport ever since it started operations in 1981, it stated on Wednesday.
Total cargo recorded was 1.85 million tonnes for the year.
"Economic uncertainty in many markets may dampen travel demand in the near term," Lee Seow Hiang, CEO, Changi Airport Group, said in a statement.
"However, low fuel prices should support airlines' profitability. The outlook for Changi is also bolstered by positive developments such as addition of new city links and airlines in the coming months." – Reuters, January 27, 2016.
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