Study reveals most vacation-deprived and most well-rested countries
Expedia reveals that most Europeans use up their vacations days. – AFP pic, November 17, 2015.South Koreans have emerged workaholics, while Europeans live the high life.
That's according to the latest Expedia survey of worldwide vacation habits, that polled 9,273 workers around the world on the number of vacation days they're entitled to, and the number of vacations days they actually take.
Overall, South Koreans have emerged the most hard-working, and vacation-deprived. Though they're entitled to 15 days a year, the average Korean takes only six days off.
That could be because Koreans expressed the most guilt (67%) for taking all their vacation time, citing the disapproval of their bosses.
At the other end of the spectrum, workers in Germany, France, Spain, Finland and Brazil get about 30 days of paid holidays – and most use them all up.
In the US, the report found that Americans let four of 15 days of vacation go to waste. Canadians, who also get an average of 15 days, are more likely to take all of theirs. – AFP, November 17, 2015.
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