The cheapest times for Malaysians to travel
Singapore comes in second in terms of the cheapest destination to travel from Malaysia, with savings of 19.9% on a four-week advance booking for travel in April. – AFP file pic, March 9, 2016.Want to get the most bang for your buck when planning your travels?
Skyscanner, a global travel search site, has revealed the cheapest times for Malaysians to book their flights in 2016 for the top 10 most searched destinations by travellers.
Travellers will save the most by visiting Vietnam in September, saving up to 22.3% if flights are booked 17 weeks in advance.
Singapore comes in second with savings of 19.9% with only a four-week advance booking for travel in April.
September is also the cheapest month to travel for Thailand. However, flights should be booked 20 weeks before to shave 19.7% off your budget.
And if you're looking to visit France or the United Kingdom, leave the travel for November with savings of 11.3% and 9.8% respectively if tickets are booked 19 weeks ahead of travel.
The list marks Skyscanner's very first Malaysian edition, a result of analysis of three year's worth of data collected from its site.
"We noticed a growing interest in Skyscanner from Malaysian travellers. So we decided that releasing a best time to book list for Malaysia would meet the needs of travellers here," said Pamela Knaggs, marketing manager for Skyscanner Malaysia and Singapore, at the presentation of their findings in Kuala Lumpur today.
Skyscanner's analysis also showed that, on the whole, the cheapest month to travel is November while the most expensive month to travel is December.
Meanwhile, the cheapest time to travel is the fourth week of February while the most expensive is the third week of July.
Find out more about the cheapest times to book your flights here. – March 9, 2016.
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