The hotel with the fastest guest Internet speed in the world
Jannah Burj Al Sarab on Mina Street in Abu Dhabi – where the fastest Internet speed in the world is reportedly at. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, January 12, 2016.Web addicts take note – a new hotel in Abu Dhabi is claiming to have the fastest Internet speed in the world.
Managers of the Jannah Burj Al Sarab in Mina say their upgraded WiFi boasts a speed of 1.2 Gigabytes per second (Gbps), making them the lead hotel on the website The site rates Internet speeds available at hotels around the globe.
Prior to the upgrade, the hotel's Internet speed was 270 Megabytes per second (Mbps), which was still higher than the world's average Internet speed of 100-250 Mbps.
The highest measured speed in Abu Dhabi is 240 Mbps, while in Dubai, it has been recorded to be 48 Mbps. – AFP/Relaxnews, January 12, 2016.
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