‘The Shining’ hotel hopes to become horror museum
'The Shining' movie poster. The Stanley Hotel which inspired the Overlook Hotel in Stephen King's 1977 book has announced its plans to create a horror-themed museum. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, October 23, 2015.The hotel that inspired Stephen King's "The Shining" hopes to become a horror museum, according to the LA Times.
The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, which inspired the Overlook Hotel in Stephen King's 1977 book, announced its plans to create a horror-themed museum, film production studio and film archive.
The upcoming Stanley Film Center also plans to work with the Colorado Film School on educational projects.
Among the museum's founding board members are actors Elijah Wood ("Lord of the Rings") and Simon Pegg ("Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol").
Before the project can get off the ground, the state must approve the project – the Stanley is asking for US$11.5 million (RM48.61 million) in Colorado tourism funds to complete total project costs of US$24 million. – AFP/Relaxnews, October 23, 2015.
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